Our Markets

If it is true that the outcome of the work carried out is judged by the results obtained, we can state that the vision that has animated our work in over 60 years of activity has been wise and forward-looking, both in the production, processing and in the marketing.
Good wine is the result of a combination of factors ranging from the care of the vines to the selection of the grapes and the rigor of production; from the respect of the territory to the absolute seriousness towards the customers , along with correct selling prices.
Good wine is the result of a combination of factors ranging from the care of the vines to the selection of the grapes and the rigor of production; from the respect of the territory to the absolute seriousness towards the customers , along with correct selling prices.
These are the things we have always done; they make the reason for our success that we can summarize in these few data:
1955 Internal market 100% – Export 0%
1990 Internal market 85% – Export 15%
2017 Internal market 42% – Export 58%