Our Lands, Our Vineyards

If passion, the culture of traditions and wine are the tools we have; the Territory and the Vineyards are the material on which these are applied. And it is certainly due to a fortunate combination of different conditions and soils that the Langa and Roero, our lands, concentrate the excellence of Italian wine production. The more than 18 hectares of our company are divided into 8 vineyards, all planted on the slopes of our hills and exposed in order to take advantage of the best climatic conditions. Vineyards that all have a name, as is done for the children, because the attention, care and love we bring for them are similar: Cajalupo, Cassinassa, Morinaldo, Valdiana, Vagiana, Sulpiano and Fornace. Each selected on the basis of the characteristics of the soil, for the most appropriate production. In our vineyards no chemical herbicides and harmful drugs are used. We only use the old manual weeding systems, using traditional treatments with copper sulphate and sulfur, as well as a winter reconstitution based on natural animal fertilizers to rebalance the land. The use of anti-hail nets and selective thinning, felling, in the summer months complete and ensure the best continuity in the quality of the wines.


1. Cajalupo: Nebbiolo grape production
soil: calcareous marly

2. Morinaldo: arneis and barbera production
soil: marly limestone and sandy limestone respectively

3. Cassinassa: Nebbiolo grape production
soil: calcareous marly

4. Valdiana: production of Barbera grapes
soil: calcareous marly

5. Vagiana: arneis grape production
soil: sandy calcareous and siliceous

6. Sulpiano: Arneis grape production
soil: sandy calcareous and siliceous

7. Fornace: Nebbiolo grape production
soil: calcareous marly

8. San Grato: production of Barbera grapes
soil: calcareous marly

Characteristics of the land Calcareous: In the calcareous soil white or pale gray calcium particles can be distinguished; it developed under the seas in ancient geological eras, from the accumulation of animal skeletons and algae. Generally the calcareous soil has these characteristics: – it is not particularly fertile, but it is suitable for planting olive groves or vineyards; – creates a crust on the surface which hinders the penetration of air and water, and makes the germination of seeds more laborious; – it has a lower ability to retain water. siliceous: very mineral soil that gives the wine freshness and a slight sapidity sandy: Small particles of rocks and minerals broken down by time, which retain little water but which constitute a warm and aerated soil, with good drainage. The sandy soils are easy to work and suitable for early vines. arenaceous: soil containing a fair percentage of sand, not always predisposed to very long aging marly: calcareous and cold clay that delays the ripening of the grapes and increases their acidity. It is present in many wine-growing areas of great value